Rotary Picnic

Rotary Picnic

The Arnold Rotary Club and their spouses met for their end of year picnic on Friday, June 30th.  The annual picnic was slated to be held in the Arnold Recreation Area; however, due to weather, it was moved to the Methodist church for an evening of fried chicken and...
New Members Inducted

New Members Inducted

On July 6th, 2023, three new Arnold Rotary Club members were inducted by former District Governor Diane Finch.  The ladies inducted were Allison Goodenow, Val Daly, and Karen Hough. Mrs. Finch gave a short talk to inspire the ladies.  She reminded everyone that when...
Hot Meals Helpers

Hot Meals Helpers

It seems like every time I really pay attention when I go to a catered event or fundraiser, I see the Hotmeals Trailer backed up the building.  This is such a great organization.  They served the meals at the District Conference year, at RYLA for the BBQ night, and...
Book Buddies at APS

Book Buddies at APS

The Arnold Rotary Club visited the Preschool building to see the afternoon class.  They brought a book for each of the kids to take home.  Courtney Evans had the class in the palm of her hands as she read a book aloud to them!.  It was titled “The...