208 Lincoln Street, Arnold, NE 69120
Arnold Church of the Nazarene started as a tabernacle meeting held by Reverend Theodore Ludwig. The establishment of the church received much opposition. The Arnold citizens were not in favor of having a holiness church, they wanted a more liberal church with different views on sanctification in their community, but the church founders pushed on.
On August 1st, 1920, the church was organized ad included 25 members. On September 1st 1920, Vollie Schofield, along with his wife Anna, started their ministry in the town of Arnold. The Church faced many problems due to the opposition in town. One of these problems was that they had no place to hold services. They rented the Rex Theater, but then it was closed to their use after only one month. After this set back, the church members met in their homes until November, when they were able toto rent the blacksmith’s shop for services. As time passed, the prejudice feelings faded. Then in June of 1921, the Rex Theater was put for sale and the church purchased the building along woth 200 opera chairs.
On May 8th, 1927, the General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, J. B. Chapman, dedicated the building. The 1927 building is still in use today.
Sometime between 1948 and 1951, a choir loft was added to the South end of the building and an entry way was added to the Northeast corner replacing the bell tower that leaked. The Church still holds regular services and recently changed its name to Last Call Ministries, while continuing tis affiliation with the Church of the Nazarene.
(Information provided by Dynette Oberg, pastor since 2001. Prepared by Berni Crow, 7/31/2012.)
UPDATE NOTES from Pastor Dynette Oberg on April 16, 2024: “It closed in 2020. It closed due to what I would call a natural death. We simple ran out of people. I am now pastoring the Nazarene church in Farnam, NE.”